Every year, a planet full of monsters passes by another planet, inhabited by aliens. While the others hide in their homes in fear of alien visitors, young Pif still has to find his way home through the darkness.
"Filip Bihar is a director and screenwriter who worked on “Čas za večerjo” (2016), “Bližnje srečanje” (2017) and “Hello!” (2017). Samo Bihar is a director and screenwriter who worked on “Bližnje srečanje” (2017), “Hello!” (2017) and “The Smuggling Diaries: The Reunion” (2015).
Antonella D’Amico is a screenwriter and director who worked on “Bližnje srečanje” (2017), “Claynation Gives You Claymation” (2018) and “Running Out Of Time” (2018).
Miha Oven is a director and screenwriter who worked on “Bližnje srečanje” (2017), “Hello!” (2017) and “Preveč” (2019). Anja Zadnik is a screenwriter and director who worked on “Bližnje srečanje” (2017), “Claynation Gives You Claymation” (2018) and “Running Out Of Time” (2018)."