BEAST IFF presents NINANIÑA and Cristina Pop-Tiron shortly after its Opening Ceremony

Watch below the performance of the artists NINANIÑA and Cristina Pop-Tiron, which took place shortly after the Festival’s Opening Ceremony.

On the 24th of March, at 8 pm, the 4th edition of BEAST International Film Festival launched with an Opening Ceremony, live on Facebook. At 8:30 pm, it was time for the artistic duo NINANIÑA and Cristina Pop-Tiron to celebrate the beginning of our online edition. The performance was streamed live on Facebook and Youtube. 

“DOR: Uma Lembrança” is an audiovisual experience that projects and reflects the feeling of dor/saudade, often found in Romanian folklore. During the performance, the visual elements fuse with the soundscape and open a space of dialogue between traditional and contemporary worldviews, suggesting a synergetic cathartic experience.

You can watch the whole act below: